


Veshas Of Lords Jagannath :


Veshas Of Lords Jagannath :

(i) Suna Vesha - The 11th day of the bright fortnight of Asadha
(ii) Banabhojee Vesha - The 10th day of the dark fortnight of Bhadrab
(iii) Kaliy a Daiana Vesha - The 11th day of the dark fortnight c Bhadraba.
(iv) Pralambasura Baddha Vesha - The 12th day of the dark fortnight of Bhadraba.
(v) Krushna Balaram Vesha - The 13th day of the dark fortnight of Bhadraba.
(vi) Bali Vamana Vesha - The 12th day of the bright fortnight of Bhadraba.
(vii) Raja Vesha - The 10th day of the bright fortnight of Aswina, the full moon of Pausa and the full moon of Phalguna.
(viii) Radha Damodar Vesha - The 10th day of the bright fortnight of Aswina, the full moon of Pausa and the full moon of Phalguna,
(ix) Thia Khia Vesha - The 11th day of bright fortnight of Kartika
(x) Bankachuda Vesha - The 12th day of the bright fortnight of Kartika
(xi) Nagarjuna Vesha - During Panchuka in the month of Kartika
(xii) Adakia Vesha - The 13th day of the bright fortnight of Kartika
(xiii) Dalkta Vesha - The 14th day of the bright fortnight of Kartika
(xiv) Raja Rajeswari Vesha - The full moon of Kartika
(xv) Padma Vesha - The 2nd day of the bright fortnight of Mag ha
(xvi) Sradha Vesha - From the 1st to 3rd day of the dark fortnight of Magna.
(xvii) Gaja Uddharana Vesha- The full moon of Magna
(xviii) Chacheri Vesha - From the 9th day of the bright fortnight to the full moon of Phalguna.
(xix) Chandana Lagi Vesha - From the 19th day of dark fortnight to the full moon of Jyestha.
(xx) Gajanana Vesha (Ganesh Vesha) - Devasnana Purnima